Wanna know what I luv about this app?even after playing it so much that u know every answer, its still fun. I like playing it and then bragging to my friends that I know more bout JB than they do!!! ;)
Wanna know what I luv about this app?even after playing it so much that u know every answer, its still fun. I like playing it and then bragging to my friends that I know more bout JB than they do!!! ;)
It is so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so good! it rocks! ( I love it )
This game is awesome love it!!
Good app rates u based on how much you know :D
Love this game and <3 jb!
I think Justin biebz is awesome I would love to be the one less loney gurl its would be cute if he did 11 yr old cuz thts my age Ill never get to meet him :( hi Im Julia barnes I live in oklahoma city 7101 oakleaf rd illl never get to meet him becuz hes buissy becuz he is aweome and cute
The biebs is hot and I luv pray
Ahhhh I LOVE this app! And I love JB so how is it not perfect?
This is awesome
Its everything bieber!
This quizzle is so awesome I love doing it
All the facts are right as far as I know!
Justin Bieber quizzle is awesome.:) I know everything about JB and all facts are correct!:)
Mine crashed ;(
Its a really cool quiz if your a fan of Justin Beiber and want to know more things about him this is definitely the quiz it really awesome!!!
Its ok I guess :/ need more stuff to it
Its ok but needs way more things to it to guess nmh
Ok. So I am a HUGE fan of JBs. And this is a great quiz app for him. Actually, i think it is the best app for quizzes on Justin Bieber!!! And so far all of the answers are right! <3333 luv u JB!!!! :-) <3333
I love this and I want more of them!!!